Application Instructions | UV DTF
Yeah you can do that, and this is all you need.

Hard Surface (Any Size)

Your UV DTF Sticker

1. Pre-Squeegee Before Separating
After cutting your sticker/decal out, place the design face down with the white side facing up. Using the padded end of the included squeegee, run over it with hard pressure, back and forth 3-5 times.
This forces the design onto the clear carrier sheet. The more thin and separated design elements, such as small text, the more careful you need to be.
2. Separating The Clear Carrier Sheet From The White Backing
You can more easily separate the clear carrier sheet from the white backing by making a small tear. Do not tear near the design. Next, lift the clear carrier sheet up enough to grip and SLOWLY separate the clear carrier sheet from the white backing. You can start from any end of your design, as you may need to pull from different sides for a clean separation. We having a saying in the dojo - Don't use your hands, use your EYES. This ensures every piece of your design is lifting onto the clear carrier sheet. If it's not, set it back down, squeegee again, and try pulling that specific area which different lift from a different side.

3. Placing Transfer/Design Onto Your Item
First, identify the placement area on your item. Then, carefully place the design onto the placement area starting from one side and ending at the other. This will help control your placement, reduce bubbles underneath the design, and avoid wrinkling of the carrier sheet which could cause design elements being offset and/or design overlapping.
Tip: Leave and edge of the carrier sheet lifted, aka "Dog Earred", so you can easily grip it.
4. Completing The Transfer Process
After completing the placement onto your item, use the padded end of the squeegee to run over it within hard pressure, back and forth 3-5 times. This forces adhesion of your design to the item. Don't squeegee over the "dog earred" edge to retain the grip.
You are now ready to slowly peel. Again, use your eyes while you peel the clear carrier sheet from one end to the other ensuring every element of your design remains on your item. While peeling, move your grip inward to maintain a controlled peel. If all elements do not transfer, you can lay the clear carrier sheet back down, squeegee hard again, and try pulling that specific area which didn't lift from a different side.